BMP Supplies

BMP Catch Basin Log 90” x 9”

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Our claim to fame! These catch basin logs have been field proven to be the best temporary protection for catch basins. They are manufactured in bright orange polyethylene fabric with yellow stripes for maximum visibility and filled with weed free kiln dried wood shavings. This product takes just minutes to install; pop out the grate, surround the hole with the flap to the inside and reinsert the grate.

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BMP Catch Basin Log 90” x 9”

Drain inlet protection assists in the prevention of course sediment from entering the underground storm pipe system prior to the permanent stabilization of disturbed areas as in construction sites, or on the street after winter sanding. This is accomplished by using a sediment filter and trap around the storm drain. The device slows the runoff velocity, filters the runoff, and aids in sedimentation prior to the runoff entering the drain inlet.


  • Bright orange and yellow
  • Flexible fabric tube
  • Filled with clean wood shavings
  • Kiln dried
  • Weed free
  • Bark free
  • Attached flap serves as the anchor to grate or road surface